Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Happy FATHERS day word pop up card (plus pattern for scal)

Happy FATHERS day word pop up card
If you have "Sure cuts a lot" HERE IS THE PATTERN
AND how to work out the folding instructions
HELPING WITH FOLDING OF pop up word cards

Designed in INKSCAPE


Anonymous said...

These patterns are just great. Thanks so much for sharing. How do you color the pop out word without getting color on the rest of the card? I just tried it with markers and made a mess even tho I had paper over the card with just the letters showing. I know it seems like a dumb question but I need to ask anyway.

SusanBluerobot said...

It is not a dumb question. Yes i coloured the letters with markers i found it easy to colour them once they were folded and i put a scrap paper under the letters and so as i did not get it on the pieces i did not want , even put post it notes down at the bottom of the letters and then coloured them and took out the paper and post it notes and it was coloured