Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Story about a LITTLE TEDDY BEAR part 8 (slice form)

Follow on story from part one HERE , part 2 HERE
, part 3 HERE , part 4 HERE , part 5 HERE , part 6 HERE
and part 7 HERE

I had said in the part 6 that i would not have gone any
smaller with the bear as it would have made the slits to
small so what i did was went back and made the bear smaller
and then I made the slits normal size so as I could have a small
bear (how small?) he is 2 inches tall Hard to put together but
soo cute
Below is the picture beside the 8" bear the tallest i could
get on my baby cricut machine

Here you can see the arrange of sizes i have created

The big one is like a mummy bear holding his baby

Designed in inkscape and cut using sure cuts a lot
Be sure to come back tomorrow
for more parts to this story of the LITTLE TEDDY BEAR.
Be sure to tell me what you think so far too


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Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! These bears are amazing! I've emailed you before to tell you that you truly make the best things ever! Here is more proof! Are you planning to sell the pattern for this bear?

Calgary, Albera Canada

SusanBluerobot said...

At this point of time i am not sure.