"My son has a project that he needs to make
roses for so he could learn i made this lesson for him
and i thought i would share it with you as all well "
There are many of these six sided punches, in all
sizes including sizzix dies (
i know i must have them all)
But i thought i would show you all how to make them
into roses
OH and also made .svg pattern for those who have
machines that use .svg's and
made cricut pattern (
different size on each mat)
If you are using punches you need three per rose cut like this .
If you are using cricut design studio you need one mat worth per rose
then cut like this
If you are using .svg you need one per rose (
already cut like this )

Now with the biggest one you need to put pva glue on one wedge

and then overlap the wedge on the other side and
hold down to glue in place

do the same with the next two sizes

now with a stick you use your thumb and roll the
edges of each petal.

so they look like this

Do all three section's petals

Put the biggest one aside and the other two you cut a small
part of the point away (
this is so the flower sits nice when made)

Just like this

Now add pva glue in the center of the biggest one

making sure you put enough to hold the flower together

Now put the next size down in to the glue

then add glue again and all the next size piece in there

Now with your heart shape wedge you roll the petal edges
over using your thumb and stick

And then you roll it like this

glue and cut a little away form the bottom of this wedge

then i reshaped the petal back to look good added
glue into the center of the flower and placed this in the flower

Now for the single wedge this one is done sideways
you use your thumb and stick to shape again

then you roll this from the small point to the big edge (
not tight )

Then glue into the center of your flower
AND you now have a rose