Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Saturday, March 15, 2008

MICKEY dots card 4 of 6 plus pattern

This is the forth in the set of six done using the mickey and friends cartridge
the dot card line papers for all except the goofy card are wrapping paper.

if you have a cricut and the cricut design studio HERE IS THE PATTERN


Anonymous said...

These are so clever. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are one creative woman. Love your creations. I'll be back for inspiration.

Anonymous said...

You are so amazing! What talent you have! You're such an inspiration to me. You have opened up a whole new cricut world for me. I never even imagined that you could do so much with design studio.
Thanks for all the detailed steps and images!

Allison and Adam said...

I just made this Susan, thanks so much for the cutfile