Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

SusanBlueRobot SliceForm OWL

Well  finally here it is  the OWL slice form that I showed on 
my blog back two years ago and it is now ready to purchase 
from HERE  
It is in Make The Cut format with PDF instruction on how to 
put it together. It is US$ 6
 Click on the picture if you would like to be taken to 
purchase the file


peppy said...

Hi Susan

What a lovely Sliceform !

Was this designed using MTC?

Can you please explain its making?

SusanBluerobot said...

yes it was made in make the cut .
But not posible to show the making of it as it took me 14 hours to both work out and make the pattern (plus a back ground in pattern making ) But you can purchase the pattern for US $6 by clicking on the link if you would like