Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Why did he stick his neck out?

For the Elephant.
I adapted the teddy pattern to make the
elephant and then had to think hard how i was going to do
the trunk. But then i found a way to do it and was
very happy with how he turned out

And they fold flat

Designed in inkscape and cut using sure cuts a lot

Be sure to tell me what you think


\ ! /


Crystal said...

WOW! I dont use SCAL(havenot learned it yet)but WOW

Paula I said...

WOW! You're work is simply amazing...I get a headache just from veiwing it! I really stink at math and trying to figure things out, you have an incredible mind. Thanks for sharing that and your talent.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is just amazing. i was wondering how you did the elephant and would be interested in grabbing the pattern if you dont mind. :-) my email is
thank you so much for sharing.

Darla said...

Susan, your sliceforms are phenomenal!! Do you sell them somewhere?? If not, you should!!
There are a few I would love to have the pattern for!! I don't use SCAL but you said you made them in inkscape and I can use DXF which inkscape saves as... I know lots of others use DXF as well.
They are gorgeous as ornaments, kids toys, card inserts etc etc etc!!!
I really should figure out how on earth to make a sliceform myself. haha

Thanks so much for sharing these pictures, they are wonderful!!


Laurinda said...

Oh and this elephant, too!! Adorable