On October the 5th I got a spinning wheel (which the posting
was HERE) Well that was a Sunday, on the Sunday night I
sent an email of to Jaddy from the Tamar Valley Spinners group
for some information on there group. Still knowing that my
spinning wheel was not complete and needed stuff to get it
working as well as some fleece to spin. OH yes and not
to mention that i have never used a spinning wheel before .
Jaddy rang me and we talked for a while and she had organized
for me to get it up and working if i was able to come along to
the Thursday spinning group .
Well I turned up to the hall on the Thursday and everyone was
soo nice friendly and helpful. In no time things were added to my
spinner and it was workable . Now was the long task for them all to
teach me . I was determined that I was going to learn this .
4 hours had gone by and I was getting there slowly lots of broken
thread, starting and stopping , i got a little bit spun (thick and thin
all the way though but it was somthing ) by the last 15 minutes of the
4th hour I was just getting it and manged in that 15 minutes to get more
spun than in the 3 3/4 hours before . YOU GUESSED it the day
was over and I packed the wheel into the car and went home to
practise thinking of all that i had learnt that day .
The next thursday came and i was off to spinning again .
This time I was getting better and happy with my spinning .
The first spun wool of the wheel and it was promissed to Neal
that he would finally get is wool hat with this.