All of my patterns and instructions are covered by a Creative Commons license. This says you may share and enjoy the patterns, download them, make and give the cards to friends and family. You may not sell them for money.
You may modify the pattern as you like, but the resulting pattern will be under this same license.
Please give credit where credit is due.
There are soo many of the Animals cards in the series included
worm, teddy, wombat, penguin, dog, bee, bird, elephant, birdie, cat, chicken, turtle, cow, lamb, tiger, frogs, monkey, rabbit, horse, kanga, koala, ladybird, lion, lizard, pig, seal, giraffe, and rat
can be found through out my blog
1. Download and open the pattern you have in mind to change the wording

3. under file save as

5. Push save

7. push delete

9. and pushing delete

11.type letter
12. check welded

14. Make sure they are all welded checked
15. Start with the bottom letter/word
16 making sure that it overlaps something on your card a little

18. continue to put the letters on at a time rotating them to suit what you want the card to look like
19.making sure that you over lap them with the other letters of animal a little

22. see that it is all cutting how you want it too

24. see the lettering for the old card
25. highlight
26. and push delete

27. and pushing delete till all old words are gone

29. type new letters

33. In this case there is going to be much to big of a space in the backing of the card

35. so it suits the size of the front of your card

37. making sure it overlaps the design in at least two points

41. using straight moving arrow move into right place
42. using the straight sizing arrow make it fit the card (save again )

THANK YOU! You are wonderful to teach us novice buggers!
I love the way you explain each step and number them , but I would like to be able to print them off and put them in a book (only for myself, of course) so i don't have to keep looking them up on the computer.
How can i do this? Each time I try, I only get the first 3 pages of the date. like this one with the turkey.
Also, thank you for posting your Ideas and patterns. they are very helpful.
You are completely overwhelming me with your creativity and knowledge. Thanks for sharing with those of us who are D.S. Challenged.
Linda Martin
Is there a cut file for these wonderful cards.
Thanks for sharing.
Linda Martin
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