Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Monday, September 22, 2008

HOW to make up the LINK LINKS

It is time now to introduce the LINK LINKS
The pattern comes with 4 strips on the scal mat or
2 strips on the cds mat
what you do is cut the mat out twice so you have strips of
different colours

you take one strip of each of the colours
you will see that they have a tail on one end

hold one with the tail up and the other with the
no tail and thread the one with no tail through
from the front to the back on the first opening of
the one in other hand
(to thread through you have to turn the strip on its side)

Now you can see that when it is straightened it is in place

What you do now is thread the tail of that through
the slit

Like this

Now you have the first link done

now with the back strip turn it slightly
and thread it through the next slit of the front one
do this carefully so you don't tear it

keep threading it till you get the back one to be
complete in front

You now have done your second link

Now with the back strip you thread through to the front
on the next slit turning it slightly so as it will fit through
the slit

and you will start to see a pattern

Keeping bringing the back strip through
to the front through the next slits
knowing that the back one comes through the slit
you will know where you are up too at all times

it gets easier and easier as you get near the end

taking the last one through the last slit

until you send up with one slit in front
and a tail at the back

all you do now it bring that tail through
and it is ready

YOU have now made a LINK LINKS

YOU can adjust the links so as they are evenly spaced if that
is how you want it to look
(above picture is uneven and below picture i have evened them
it is up too you )

OH nearly forgot I guess you want the patterns
there are two styles SO FAR
For Cricut design studio HERE IS THE PATTERN
For Sure Cuts A Lot
For Cricut design studio HERE IS THE PATTERN
For Sure Cuts A Lot

To see samples of my cards using them

HELENE with her teddy (LINK links card)

Snakey (LInk links card)

Hi There (link links no 1)

ME and my TEDDY

Play time (Link links card)

COW gardener (LINK links card)

Plane Balloon (link LINKS card)

oh and as i had lots left over while making the patterns
i still have lots more samples to show you hope you will not get bored


Leanne said...

Absolutely fantastic!! Thank you for showing how to do this!
Take care

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this :) You just keep being creative :) Will have to give it a go. Hoping it is done using George :)
ChrisVicente from

Anonymous said...

Susan - Once again thanks so much. These links will give a new dimension to some cards I have in mind.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Susan for your Link Links.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

I could never say it enough times to thank you for everything you've done for me and SCAL

TT said...

I see you have been hard at work. Thanks for taking the time to share. I know it takes a lot of time to load all your instr. They are very helpful and thorough. You do wonderful work.

Raquel said...

What a cool idea Susan, how on earth did you think of this? Thanks for sharing. (hugs) - Raquel

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Susan, for all your great work and willing to share that with us!

The Netherlands

Jannita said...

Oh wow fantastic, I'm very happy and also THANKS for the pattern. It is so cool.
I will this download but I see:
can't find the wegpage. I can't it download.

gr. Jannita

Schaapje said...

Thank you showing the new ideas

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank you for your generosity. You are so talented and do such a great job showing us technically challenged ones how to do things. You are very much appreciated!


Marianne said...

Thank you so much for your generosity. I love all your projects. I see some Christmas links in my future.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your work and the links ! They are great !
Greetz Corrie

Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much for these.I look forward to cutting them

Anonymous said...

Completely cool. And I loved how you dressed up a few with the white dots. And a big thank you for the detailed photos on how to weave them together.

Laurel said...


I love these! And your samples are so darling! You are so sweet to share all of your designs!


Anonymous said...

Great pattern! Thank you for coming up with these great cuts.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pattersn! I cannot believe the time and patience you have for making CDS & SCAL patterns for nearly every one of your creations that you post!

Anonymous said...

Love the borders! Thank you for sharing your files. Kat

Anonymous said...

Thank you Susan. I have looked all over the place to find the templets for these things. This is going to be great.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Susan. I have wanted to try this, but did not know where to start.

Anonymous said...

Cute file.

Scootingranny said...

Thanks for the links cutouts for DS. They are great.