Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

2016 big year ( yes i am still here ) LONGSTORY

There has been a lot of questions asking if i am still 
going to blog and still do paper craft and other things 
YES I AM ! . I have just had a big year of doing Susan stuff 
and learning lots of other things and getting out and about too .
NOW to my big past year. I have had a very busy year.
Seeing more of Tasmania as we had planed to do. 
We went down the east coast in March for a weekend 
and had a wonderful time even though it rained and rained .
 Then in late March or early april (cant remember now 
a group of us girls had a stall out at the Exiter Show .
Which turned out to be a FANTASTIC day . I sat 
and demoed weaving all day . while Loraine spun.
(we managed to get two new spinners and weavers out of the day . 
And sold a few of our made stuff)
in Mid April we went over the west coast of Tasmania 
and did some sight seeing over the . It was great as I had not
been over there to see that for 37 years  and wow had it changed.
In June I put for of my yarn items in the Art show in Burnie.
And the Saturday we headed over to see the art show which 
was fantastic.
Many times through out the year we go to parts of the state 
and spin and weave with people from all over the state 
it is a wonderful get together.
(while i am at these advents Neal is out on his bicycle 
exploring parts he has not seen on his bike)
In about February I got my new paper cutting machine the
"force" .
 And it has been getting used lots (WAIT YOU SAY!!
you have not seen lots!  There is a reason for that as lots 
can not be shown till the go on display at other evens 
like steampunk 2017. There is also a book that  i am working 
on that is going to take a long time to finish)
As well as  playing on the force I have also been learning more 
of the embroidery machine soft ware and embroidering 
things (some you will see over this following year) 
Even managing to get back into my sewing which is a good thing.
In May I found out that Helene from Settle was coming for a 
visit in October, So from then I got soo excited planing and thinking 
of all the wonderful things we could do . 
it was a very long wait . (but worth it )
In June after a few months of making thing 
George Town (where i live ) Had there first 
Steampunk Festival . We made art work to have 
on display there and it was a fantastic festival .
Before the festival finished we were already thinking 
of the next years  (even joining the committee for the 2017 one)
IN July  at the weaving studio I went to a weaving class 
called "Saori"  and it was a wonderful class and learnt lots 
i can see these ideas will be used a lot over the years .
In August for science week there was a robot expo on in 
George town so we were at the door before that opened , it 
was like they put it on just for me !
In September we went to Hobart for a few days holiday 
down there it was a fantastic time away . (as well as 
got my mind off the excitement of Helene arrive in just a 
month later WHICH i was driving Neal crazy with ) 
THEN in early October we had Martyn over for a few 
days , it was great to see him  and had a wonderful time .
Then a week later was the time  to be even more excited.
Helene was on her way ( a little hick up though there was 
a huge storm heading her way and flights will be surely 
delayed . TO fix this ment she had to leave settle earlier 
and spend more time in san fransico airport so that is what she did )
She flew to Sydney airport then on to Melbourne airport 
where Martyn went to the airport to spend 6 hours with 
then Helene boarded the airplane to Tasmania YEAH 
Martyn rang me to tell me that Helene's   was on its 
way so of we went to the airport and YES there it was 
got soo excited as Helene appeared at the top of the stairs .
We got home here at about 10.30pm and talked for what seemed like
forever before getting a little sleep . 
We managed to do lots while Helene was here  spent lot of 
time laughing and talking as well .
Seen lots of australian animals  as well . Went to spinning,
weaving and spin open day .
Helene went home with another hobbie of weaving 
having made two scarf's while here . Having 
taken up spinning the week after i took up spinning 3 years ago .
I did not want the holiday to end it was a jam packed full 10
days and had soo much fun.
But had to give her back to her family :-(
Good news that with in that next week Martyn 
managed to get a new job and loving it .
November bring another art show this time in 
George Town  and the title of IN THE PINK 
so Louise and I entered our art work and it was 
wonderful to see them in the show .
Cant wait till the next one .
then late November I joined a two day art yarn 
class and had a great time and learnt a lot of 
ideas . I can see i am going to love spinning yarn this way 
as it will suit the weaving soo much .
Having over the year gotten right into the weaving and learning 
how to combine the spinning with the weaving .
All year i have gone to spinning once every 2 weeks on thursdays and 
weaving every friday . ( which an extra weaving day will be added every 
two years in 2017  YEAH CANT WAIT ) 

Now i can just see I have forgotten alot of things out of this 
post but as you can see . Even though we moved over her to 
slow down life and enjoy life . I have speed up life 
but ENJOYING life .
Hope you all have a good Christmas and See you all 
in 2017 . thanks for still visiting my blog .

P.S. I was wondering if anyone is interested in live youtubes 
from me in 2017 . These will be me using Make the Cut 
and answering any question i can ( i think they are much like 
the way webinars work .) If there is any interest i will look into 
it and see how it all works .
leave me a message here


  1. If I am home on the day I would watch Susan. I miss the Webinars as usually you picked up something you didn't know. Happy Christmas to you and Neal and all the Robots.
    Barbara xox

  2. Yes, please start up some live youtubes in 2017. So enjoy your knowledge of MTC and your teaching style. I'm sure I speak for many MTC fans!

  3. Yes, I think that would be great.

  4. Yes That would be great!

  5. What a busy year! Webinars sound great!

  6. Hi Susan,
    You are such an inspiration to me. I would subscribe to your youtube channel for MTC in a heartbeat. What a lovely idea.

  7. I would love to learn more from you too. I miss the webinars too. It was very interesting reading all you accomplished this year! Happy new year. ~Diane
