Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Friday, April 01, 2016


The last thing I needed was more cards so what was i going to 
make next (while i wait for my materials for another
project to arrive ) THEN.....
3am yesterday morning I looked at the Force in the same 
room as the robots (not its final place to live) 
and thought WOW you fit in here as you look like a biggg
robot head. Then i tried to go back to sleep BUT no that 
did not work as all i kept thinking about was a 
Fred Force Robot 
(named Fred cause in our house for as long as I 
can remember if anything went wrong "Fred did it"
or if i could not remember names  they became "Fred")
5am start to design this Robot in MTC
9am After taking a break for a nice cold drink,
I started to cut

Could not wait to see what they looked like 

Two half arms done and very happy with them
10am the other half of the arms 
(for those that dont know these arrow are the symbol 
for the force, and I thought they would add a nice 
arm shape)

10.30 am A few tweaks along the way to the pattern 
(hey I did start it at 5am LOL)
Two arms done hope they are not too big for 
the robot
11.15am Time to cut more parts 
(after i went and fixed all parts on the arms that were 

12 noon  cut folded and parts i could put together  
(hmmmm those legs are WRONG !!! sadly only had
a little of that grey card stock I will have lunch and think 
about that )

Come back soon for rest of story

If you live in Australia or New Zealand
you can purchase a KNK force from 

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