Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Thursday, July 03, 2014

LEGO 13" Cooky

Yes I did not stop at just  Robots which i showed the
past two days HERE and HERE 
 I then took the Cook lego of the shelf 
and wanted to  make one of them   having already having the 
body part ready as it was the same as the robots body 
I thought this was going to be easy.
EASY ? NOPE no way after spending  nearly a day on 
the head pattern in Make the Cut thinking it was right I 
then went and cut it out  took nearly a day to get it glued together 
and NO IT WAS not RIGHT !!
so I then tweaked my pattern and  cut again this one was 
worse to get together (there must have been  a better way 
to make the pattern??) 
So  that head went with the other one (not finished as i gave
up on that one)  And I went back to make a completely new style of 
pattern for the head. Much easier to put together  but still not the right size .
 So that one went with the others along with two more tries  
and then I  made a head that I was happy with .
Still takes a long time to make , but was lots happier with the result .
and then there was only the hat to make.
All done .
Here he is 
 And here is my go at him 


  1. This is awesome! You are very talented! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Susan, your works are so amazing and inspiring! The cook boy looks stunning.
