Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Two sides to every story

I was giving myself a break from the 
next book i am in the middle of making and
the vinyl was sitting beside my table  from 
when i did the glass canister  so 
I turned the Scrappy Dew'sRobot set into 
a vinyl cutting and cut  3 out in two sizes 
and added it to my Art carrier . 
I thought it worked so good.

BUT Neal said it is ok but   i know which is his 
favorite robot!
So  I cut out three of his favorite robot in two sizes 
and put it on the carrier (after all he carries it for me most of the 
time ) 
 I showed him and he laughed that I would change it .

 I told him that there were to sides to every story.
 I have the two sides  of the carrier and if  i carry it i can have it facing one side 
and he can carry it the only side out .
Image used 

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