Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

On the move! from Victoria to Tasmania Australia

You might have noticed my blog has had 
less and less postings to it this year.
There is a good reason. Neal and I brought a house
and we are in the middle of packing up our house and 
moving to another state of Australia 
Yes that is right! We are moving from 
Victoria to Tasmania  .
So for the next Couple of months I don't think 
I will be very active here. As i pack up all my machines and 
card making stuff into boxes (oh and that is a biggg job as I have
been card making for 32 years and living here for 25 of those 
years so my collection sure has gotten big over those years.

One thing is I thought I could continue making things as well 
as packing but it does not seem to work like that.

Should be back to normal soon as i get organised if not 
sooner  ,  PLEASE Don't give up on me .


  1. Susan
    Wish you the very best with your new move.
    Don't worry, we will be here when you get back.

  2. Good Luck on your move!

  3. Hope the move is smooth and we can see you soon again!
