Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

On the move! from Victoria to Tasmania Australia

You might have noticed my blog has had 
less and less postings to it this year.
There is a good reason. Neal and I brought a house
and we are in the middle of packing up our house and 
moving to another state of Australia 
Yes that is right! We are moving from 
Victoria to Tasmania  .
So for the next Couple of months I don't think 
I will be very active here. As i pack up all my machines and 
card making stuff into boxes (oh and that is a biggg job as I have
been card making for 32 years and living here for 25 of those 
years so my collection sure has gotten big over those years.

One thing is I thought I could continue making things as well 
as packing but it does not seem to work like that.

Should be back to normal soon as i get organised if not 
sooner  ,  PLEASE Don't give up on me .

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rubber DUCKY!

Rubber ducky stamp from Alota Rubber Stamps 
Base of card Designed in MAKE THE CUT t and cut on the ZING

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Challenge #99 Make your own backgrounds...

Over at Alota blog  the next challenge #99 is
to make your own background
upload to you blog or gallery and go to 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Butterfly Bug in Flowers

Hello so glad you have not given up on me cause 
I have not been posting as many blog posts.
Well I am here today to show a 
card I used
Alota rubber stamp
Butterfly Bug in Flowers  and
I made the base of the card Designed in MAKE THE CUT 
 and cut on the zing 

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Sewwing it up

I have also been into sewing here are my latest tops
I have made myself . Over the past two years I have 
been able to find 9  robot fabrics and I had to
buy some soon as I seen them.

Hmm seems that Neal only managed to get two photos
of me in the tops while we were away at Tasmania

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Little Angel

I made using the Kusudama folding technique.
I am loving this wonderful book and technique

From a book called Creating Lovely Paper-Flower Dolls 
(Kusudama folding technique)

Friday, January 04, 2013

Angel to look over you

Designed in MAKE THE CUT

 If you live in Australia and New Zealand 
and wondering where you can get a
Zing then SKAT KATZ is the place to find them

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Alota Challenge New Born #98

It's a New Year and the next challenge for Alota 
is "NEWBORN" all you have to do is make a
project with new born or reborn in it  and 
upload it to your gallery or blog and tag it with 
ALOTA98 and then go to Alota Blog and link it with 
inlink for your chance to win a great prize 
Designed in MAKE THE CUT