Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Is it a Girl or a Boy

Made using the new realeased baby stamp

Have you started this years years christmas cards , or when do you start them?


  1. Very sweet baby cards....shhh don't wake the baby.


  2. I haven't started Christmas cards yet! I'm planning on submitting an order for card bases and the paper I want in August, that's when I'll be starting my Christmas cards!
    pennyandbryan [AT] gmail [DOT] com

  3. I started some Christmas card last week.

  4. Very cute baby cards! No, I haven't started Christmas cards..I am sure I will be in a rush as usual :)..probably December..ugh

  5. I've never done my own cards. I'm hoping to be inspired this year. I guess I'd better started now!

  6. Linda from Vegas18/06/2009, 10:19

    I usually start mine in November. Just hand make for special people. The rest get store bought! The baby cards are adorable!

  7. I will be starting my cards next month.

  8. adorable cards and stamp!
    Haven't started Christmas cards as I'm a last minute person with everthing. LOL

  9. Clara Jean Hogan18/06/2009, 15:47

    I usually start my christmas cards in July but last year I didn't and the company that I work for had a silent auction and I donated christmas cards and I did seventeen more for the people that did not win the bid. So as you can see I did not get my cards done so this year I have been working on christmas cards between all the birthday cards. The bee stamps are so cute and no one that I know in Utah have seen them before. Love your blog, I vist all the time.

  10. I have never done cards before I have a kit to make some for a few years now and never used it I needed to try it some year. Love the boy, girl cards

  11. I haven't started Christmas Cards yet but it is on my list of "to do things"

    Those cards are adorable.

  12. i usually start my christams cards in november i really do not do that many and i usually pick a theme and stick with it. Or a certain style then it just a matter of mass producing them. I am thinking about usuing unity jolly little winnter this year.

  13. I start mine in September.

  14. hahaha... no... I always intend to start them around July but I am the worst procrastinator EVER and never do them until November and have to mail them out as I make them so they get out in time!!

  15. I will be starting mine in July. I love your bee cards...they're soo cute, but then I have a busy bee here ROFL... Ok ok....not a real bee, but still a "Busy Bee"... my son's preschool his classroom is called the "Busy Bees" :)

  16. These are so cute! Can you tell I'm reading your blog backwards! LOL Cute baby cards....

    Christmas....oh my heck, I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow or next week....I HAVEN'T even THOUGHT about Christmas. Somehow Father's Day snuck up on me this year and I'm behind for it and it's over!!!!


  17. I try to start them in late August or September at the latest.
