Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Inkscape Basic lesson 05

Here is a basic lesson on linked lettering
and unioning them so they will cut in scal
Start by typing your word then getting the font that you want
Lesson for that HERE

With that selected go Path , object to path

Now View, display mode and Outlne

Here where arrows and circles are the problem

With the word selected go Path, and Union

And now you will see that they are linked
and can be cut as .svg and imported into
sure cuts a lot

If you would like to have a mat for that lettering
here is a bonus lesson
with the word selected go
Edit and duplicate
Then with that duplicate selected
Go Path and Dynamic offset

And a little white square will appear on the top of the lettering
now you use you mouse hold this down and move it
out till you are happy with the size you want

When you are happy
Go Path and object to path

And it will turn to nodes
You can now move this off the lettering and save
as .svg file and then import into sure cuts a lot


  1. Susan!
    thank you for all you do for us. You tutorials are so good and helpful!
    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks for the tutorial.

  3. You are a GEM! Thank you so much. I seriously need to play with it more so I can get more comfortable using it.
    Thank you for your tutorials!

  4. I learned something new--didn't know about "dynamic offset!" Thanks a lot.

  5. Wow, thank you! I'll need to save that and read it a few times before i try it :)

  6. Susan, Thanks SO much for this tutorial. It makes SCAL even more useful. Somtimes getting those mats for welded text to work is just difficult. This technique will work SO much better.
