Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Friday, October 24, 2008

TEABAG folded

This is a card i made a few years back with a revolving
stencil (i have missed placed the stencil but when i
find it i will tell you the brand name)
I printed the teabag papers and folded them then
i wrote a program to print the frame in the same pattern of
the teabag papers


  1. OH, Susan, that card is beautiful! You write computer programs too? You are so talented! I could never get my folds right when I tried tea bag folding. I got so disgusted with myself, I never tried it again.

  2. Very cool frame Susan! I keep meaning to try teabag folding after I got 2 books of teabag papers at a yard sale, but I never seem to have the time - my Cricut is a time hog LOL. (hugs) Raquel

  3. oh wow Susan, The frame is very cool, very beautifull. I like this very much

  4. Wow Susan, I wish I were 1 100th as computer savvy as you are. Love how you printed your card to match the tea bag folds and that revolving frame is fabulous!

  5. Can this one be made on the Cricut - I just love this card too! Well I really love them all!

    Cricut MB
