Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Helping lesson WORD IN FRAMES

Putting words in frames can some times be hard when it comes to
the design studio so I thought I would show you what I do
Whether you want to start from scratch or change one that you already have
I had a card so i thought i would use that .
If you are using one you already have to protect your original open

And save as NEW NAME

Ok with new name or project you just can't get the welded words right
(before I go on words in frames can't just have the lettering inside a rectangle
you have to have rectangles on all sides )
so in this one i want to replace the word mummy to susan
unweld the top rectangle

Click on word and delete

it has gone

selecting the shadow of the lettering having the default size the size you want your
lettering type you word

Move into place and click weld

OK now here i will show you want happens if you reweld the top rectangle.

new mat for viewing and push on the preview eye and you will see how
it will not cut right

Back to mat and copy that rectangle and then resize it to about half way along
your lettering (don't know why this works but it does)

Now go to preview page and push preview eye just to check so far
see that those letters work so far

back to work mat and paste the rectangle and move and size to the
missing part of your frame

Now back to preview mat and push preview eye and
you will see that it should now work

Don't forget to go change the lettering for the top

making sure you don't have shadow clicked


  1. Susan you truly are our design studio 'ANGEL'! You are so kind & helpful.
    Thanks susan

  2. Susan you truly are our design studio 'ANGEL'! You are so kind & helpful.
    Thanks susan

  3. i was just struggling with this! i had tried to cut a frame file i downloaded a while back for a gift back in Dec and it wouldn't cut right! I gave up and made something else for the gift! Earlier today i opened it back up and tried every which way i could think of knowing there had to be a way to do it! lol I gave up in frustration AGAIN!! Can't wait to go back to it with your lesson in hand!! thanks a bunch!!!
