Scrap Factory Expanaion Packs

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Working on ?

Hi All at the moment I am working on things that are 
not ready to be shown . Also learning how to do other things .
I will be back real soon to show what i have been up too.
See you then.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wings do fly

Wanted to make a card for a good friend who 
I miss not hearing from and as she loves Butterflies 
and she once showed me a card she had been given with 
the coloured butterflies on that that winds fly.
Now i have the print and cut  on the zing that was 
the sort of thing that was always on my mind so i set  to work 
to make this today.
I used butterfly fonts  , make the cut to colour them,
inkscape to work the cut part of the wings, make the 
cut to generate the lattice and designing the rest of the
card. The print and cut using printer and ZING

Hope she likes it and it brings a smile to her face
Let me know what you think.
I am off to  explore some more.
 If you live in Australia and New Zealand 
and wondering where you can get a KNK Zing 
SKAT KAT  is the place to find them

Monday, September 24, 2012

Owl will be your FRIEND

I made this pattern for a friend back in March for her birthday after 
her mentioning that she wishes someone had a sliceform owl pattern.
I then thought I know i will surprise her with it and here is the 

Then I thought it would be nice to have them in a card 
together .
bit of trail and error and i managed to have them open 
up really good to look like they are talking together 

Designed in inkscape and cut in make the cut on the ZING 
Let me know what you think.

I am off to  explore some more.
 If you live in Australia and New Zealand 
and wondering where you can get a KNK Zing 
SKAT KAT  is the place to find them

Saturday, September 22, 2012


using up all the other 
stamped images I had left after I made the 
Fall alota challenge HERE.
Used make the cut to make the base of the card
and then cut on the ZING

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to all

Today I thought I would use up all the other 
stamped images I had left after I made the 
Fall alota challenge HERE. So this time 
I made it into a birthday card and also embossed though 
the cuttlebug to give some texture. 
Used Make the cut to design the base of the card
and cut it on the ZING

I am off to  explore some more.
 If you live in Australia and New Zealand 
and wondering where you can get a KNK Zing 
SKAT KAT  is the place to find them

Monday, September 17, 2012

Alota Challenge #91 3D FALL item

There is a alota challenge going on at ALOTA BLOGSPOT  to create a 3-d Project and upload it to your blog and/or to a online gallery using the keyword ALOTA91. You don´t need to use stamps from Alota Rubberstamps but we love to see them if you have any! Don't forget to go to alotablog here and link it on Inlinkz so that everyone else can see it too. Have fun with the challenge! You have til the September 30th. to complete this challenge, you can enter as many entries as you wish for a better chance of winning!!! The winner is selected randomly from all the entries received. 
This little shaker plaque is made using  tiny mini micro 
beads for the shaker part. Used Celebrate fall bugs.
I made my own chipboard frame.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Speedy Recovery

Today's card was made using mtc, alota rubber stamps and 
the Zing  I love this wizzard stamp and I wanted to use 
it for something other than dresss up for halloween.
So here is the card I made  (thought it was too dull)

So I added a second image and some pen work on the 
lettering and I was soo much happier

Designed in Make the cut  Cut on the ZING
I am off to  explore some more.
 If you live in Australia and New Zealand 
and wondering where you can get a KNK Zing 
SKAT KAT  is the place to find them

Friday, September 14, 2012

Christmas Washing day

Its washind day and looks like santa needs more room.
Stamps I used on this card are 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Witch Trick or Treat

While I have had a bad head cold this week I have still been
having fun making word cards  and this time I am here to 
show you a alota rubber stamp witch that i teamed with 
wording to make a shaped card

Designed in Make the cut  Cut on the ZING

I am off to  explore some more.
 If you live in Australia and New Zealand 
and wondering where you can get a KNK Zing 
SKAT KAT  is the place to find them

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vistors to my blog and still going

When I seen that the blog count at bottom of blog was  
getting to bee near the Million I thought wouldn't it be fun 
if I was able to get a clip of that So i set a Challenge for 
the closest clip to 1000000 and never exspected I would 
get spot on photo  come to me but I did. 
The Blog candy goes to Kay S  who sent an email 
with this photo to me 
Thank you  for everyone that 
visits my blog. I just wish that Google did not make it so 
hard for people to leave comments.
Cheers and here is to another million 
Come back and visit any time I love to see you .

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


OK this is the last of the INSIDE OUTSIDE cards 
for a while. This is one that was not even seen 
in the Webinar as I only made it  friday with what was left 
over of the sheet of card stock after I made Neal 
a punnet for his "Raspberry pi".
I had to play around with the pattern to make sure 
that the space ship was just in the right place of the 
card when cut  but soo happy with it .

a punnet for his "Raspberry pi".

Monday, September 10, 2012

Light the candle it is Christmas INSIDE OUTSIDE card

Here again with another sample of the INSIDE OUTSIDE
card This time i used the Alota rubber stamp and yikes font
added a bit of the inside left over after it was cut to the front
of the card to bring more of the inside colour outside

To see the Webinar of the INSIDE OUTSIDE CARD 
being made it is now UP HERE
and blog lessong HERE
More samples 

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Lattice INSIDE OUTSIDE card Lesson on webinar

The posting of the Webinar where the lattice version of the
INSIDE OUTSIDE card is now ready for Viewing or downloading 
HERE  the Roses i added to my card is THIS LESSON HERE

INSIDE OUTSIDE card video is there now

To see the Webinar of the INSIDE OUTSIDE CARD 
being made it is now UP HERE
This one was made  that there was more room down the bottom
of the card to add things 

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Kanga Alota inside outside card (as seen in Webinar 4th/5th September 2012)

I am back today to show you another INSIDE OUTSIDE card
and to let you know that Alota Rubber stamps is having a sale 
on at the moment HERE lots of great stamps there and 50% off too .
This one I used the Kanga Alota stamp and combined it 
with printing the letters so I could cut in the right place it 
was soo much fun making this and i learnt lots
Lesson on making these cards are HERE

Hope you enjoy this .
See more examples 
Other samples 

Friday, September 07, 2012

INSIDE OUTSIDE card INSTRUCTIONS (as seen in Webinar 4th/5th September 2012 )

Clicking on each picture to view bigger 
Start with a rectangle 
Then a smaller one for the opening
Do an EDIT  copy and paste  in place on another layer
Go back to the first layer and select the node edit tool 
and select the right line of the small rectangle and click on right
arrow on keyboard twice (this is need so the card opens 
and shuts nicely when card is finished)
Now you need to select the big rectangle of the 
inside layer   and get a insert shadow of that  
(this is needed so you dont see the inside of the card edges 
when the card is finished)
Now you go back to the bigger rectangle of the inside of the card
and delete
You then select the new shadow and the inside small rectangle 
and do a join  that now becomes the base for your INSIDE CARD
THIS picture is not needed I wanted to show you where
you card design needed to be fit into just the yellow area
I brought in my design
Then needed a blacked out shadow of that design
Select the shadow and the inside card and do 
a Weld
that is now your inside card
Time for score layers  get a new layer 
turn snapping on to 1/2"
Get pencil and holding control key down
make a line in the 
center point of your card
Name this the outside card score lines
Get a new layer for the inside score lines and mark half way 
from top to bottom  and then  half way from center on the right 
hand of the card (see picture
then on the left side of the card mark from top to the opening  
and bottom from opening to bottom of card (see picture )
and name this layer inside card score
Now you have you card designed 
cut and then head to 
 to see how to make card up
Hope you enjoy this .
See more examples 
Other samples 
Now i know a lot of you are waiting for lattice 
lesson on this card  please I will work on it and 
get it up as soo as I can .
Look out for the webinar posting in the next couple of days